Leisure Productions, LTD, a Chicago based (now kind of in Mexico City) record label put in motion in the mid 1990s as a way for a team of musicians and artists to produce content without going through mainstream companies.
Big Wow, Cased, Stilted and Jetless were bands promoted by this little organization. There is some good stuff on the web here and there with this sonic being promoted many years later.
Now? It is a place holder for all those creative juices which started back in 1991.
There are many links in the blog section to all that was done by many people. Honestly, there were easily twenty or more people working in some capacity on everything you will find in there and what will be posted on here. All good people I am not going to botch this by forgetting anyone.
So, Leisure Productions is still here. Festering...things are still going on in the background. Reach out if interested.
Leisure Productions LTD., 2020